Settling into signlessness

  • Place the body in a comfortable, alert, and stable position.
    • This is a practice of letting bodily, verbal and mental activity all settle in to stillness. Set favorable conditions that allow the release of each of these types of activity for the duration of the practice period.
  • Begin by relaxing the body, area by area, from the highest to the lowest point.
  • Begin noticing the whole experience of the body all at once.
  • Keeping the whole experience of the body in awareness, let any unnecessary activity, movement, vibration, etc. spin out and settle down, like silt settling in stirred up water.
    • Bit by bit the experience will begin to grow calmer, and more quiet.
  • As the body experience grows more stable and calm, allow awareness to take in not just the experience of the body, but also the rest of the sensory experience.
  • Let any unnecessary activity, movement, vibration, etc. spin out and settle down.
  • Notice the contrast of the activity within the stillness.
  • Let the stillness wash over and suffuse the experience. Let any activity that arises or is noticed simply run its course and settle in to stillness.
  • Continue to settle, letting language, concepts, and any felt activity run its course and settle.




Luminous Dharma