- Begin reciting the mantra while walking to footfalls, interrupting any unwilled thoughts with the next syllable of the mantra.
- Space the mantra syllables out with one, then multiple footfalls in between them. Whenever the mind wanders, recite the next syllable of the mantra.
- Once this momentum grows, begin following the last syllable past its ending, noticing what it fades into. When a thought begins to arise or arises, interrupt it with the next syllable.
- When the mind stabilizes in being able to abide in the space and silence that the syllables arise out of and fade into, observe from this perspective.
- Notice the wearying nature of any fabrication as it begins and takes place within the relaxing silence. Directly experience this weariness. Observing and understanding it will lead to less and less preference towards fabrication and more understanding of that which knows but does not fabricate.
Reciting mantra into silence