
O.R.A. in meditation practice.

Observe. Relax. Accept. This is a simple formula I was taught for meditation that I would like to pass on.

We can undertake this practice by picking a sense and observing the input we are getting through it. Today I will use the sense of hearing as an example as mentioned in the Surangama Sutra. (When the Buddha asked Avalokiteshvara how he attained enlightenment, he replied that he went and sat by the ocean every day and listened to the waves.)

To begin to put O.R.A. into play, simply sit comfortably (best to start where you will not be disturbed), and close the eyes just enough so that you will not need to blink them; (they do not need to be all the way closed). Using the sense of hearing, begin by simply listening to everything that arrives at the ears, allow the sound to arrive and pass through.

Allow your experience of observing to continue; and find yourself relaxing as you observe. To continue with the sense of hearing example, allow yourself to simply listen while relaxing the mind as you do so as if you were settling into a very comfortable chair at the end of a long day.

As you find yourself observing and relaxing as you observe, begin to simply accept what you are observing. Let what is being observed come in without adding judgement or opinion to piggy back upon it. Again using the example of following the sense of hearing, become like a sensitive microphone, allow the sound to pass through without adding or subtracting anything, without the need to focus on any specific element.

Spend 20-30 minutes listening and see where it leads you

May you have peace, ease and well-being





Luminous Dharma