Simply repeat the cycle: Realize when distracted, Relax body and mind, Smile in relief, Rest.
- Place the body in a comfortable, stable and safe position.
- Relax body and mind, letting everything settle.
- R.R.S.R. is practiced as a repeating cycle.
- Begin by resting, generating no intentional thoughts or movements.
- When the mind moves or becomes caught in distraction, Realize this has occurred.
- Notice how mind stirs on its own, without any will or wish for it to.
- Notice any tension present in body or mind and Relax whatever can be let go of.
- Whatever tension remains is fine.
- Notice the sense relief as the tension is let go of. Let this relief generate a gentle Smile in mind and body.
- Simply Rest in inaction until mind stirs again.
- Once mind stirs or grows distracted, begin the cycle again.