Listening to intuitive wisdom

Tuning in to the voice of intuitive wisdom and letting it navigate all of experience.

  • Begin by picking a vowel sound that feels nice, and start saying it aloud, feeling it vibrate and “ring” the body like a bell.
  • Open and close the lips to change from a vowel sound to a hum and back again, intuitively following the feeling of what would naturally feel best moment to moment.
  • Let this moment to moment intuitive feeling continuously guide the sounds and tone as well as the qualities of inhale and exhale.
  • At some point intuitive wisdom may guide the practice towards silence. Simply listen to it and allow it to do so, following and changing with it moment to moment.
  • Once things grow more silent, simply relax and notice intuitive wisdoms subtle impulses as they arise all across the physical and mental experience. Rest out of the way and continuously notice as intuitive wisdom arises and guides body and mind.
  • With expansive effortless awareness, silently witness the operation of intuitive wisdom as it orchestrates how experience plays out and is responded to.
Luminous Dharma