Letting go

What is left when everything has been let go of?


  • Observe the whole experience zoomed out, relax any tension that arises.


  • Begin by relaxing the body from the top down to the ground.
  • Once the body is more relaxed, begin to observe the whole felt bodily experience all at once, noticing any tension that stands out. Repeat this process, relaxing observed tension within the felt bodily experience. Notice what disturbance goes away and what remains.
  • As tensions relax, the tensions that are noticed will tend to be increasingly subtle. Continue to relax them and to notice what disturbance goes away and what remains.
  • Eventually mental tension and feelings of disturbance will also be noticed. Expand the observation to include any physical or mental tension and disturbance within the whole experience and to relax them, noticing any disturbance that remains.
  • Stay with the method of noticing and letting go of any tension and disturbance and the practice will descend into emptiness.
Luminous Dharma