From objects to object-less

Set the body in a comfortable, alert position aligned with gravity.

Select and set the mind on to a task of continual experiencing of some sensory phenomena that you find some interest in. Relaxing tension within the body, feeling the arches of the feet, noticing length of breath, etc. are all suitable practices.

What is being experienced is the ‘object’. Smile, relax and experience the object. Return to experiencing the object whenever attention has drifted. This phase could be likened to watching the fish in a pond.

Once the continuity of experiencing the object grows stronger, begin to observe the awareness, as well as the objects that arise and fade away within awareness. This is like looking at the water in a fish pond, as well the fish within it.

When this becomes more stable, simply rest attention in awareness, as well as any movement within awareness, anything that arises and fades away within it. This is like simply taking in nature, the pond, sky, fish and all.

Let the mind observe and learn from here.





Luminous Dharma