• Two types of thought

    Thoughts can be divided into two types. Those arising from wisdom feel cool and uncomplicated. Those rooted in the 3 poisons have a feeling of burning and un-ease to them. Ignorance: tempts, provokes and convinces Wisdom: wonders, experiences and learns

  • What is experiencing?

    Feel whatever is occurring right now. Now feel what is experiencing that. What does it feel like? Now feel what is experiencing that. Does it need anything? Does it want anything?

  • O.R.A.

    O.R.A. in meditation practice. Observe. Relax. Accept. This is a simple formula I was taught for meditation that I would like to pass on. We can undertake this practice by picking a sense and observing the input we are getting through it. Today I will use the sense of hearing as an example as mentioned…

  • What remains?

    When what has been unnecessary, Is set down. What remains? Look and see.

  • Slippery mind

    A recent focus on recitation and mantra has lead to deepening realization around the interplay with emptiness. Mantra and recitation, if practiced skillfully lead to the skill of letting thoughts and other phenomena “slip” by without catching or sticking. This plus the stability, clarity and flexibility of mind that comes from these practices serves as…

  • A collection of Zen poems near the time of death

    Bassui Look straight ahead. What’s there?If you see it as it isYou will never err. Daido Ichi A tune of non-beingFilling the void:Spring sunSnow whitenessBright cloudsClear wind. Dairin Soto My whole life long I’ve sharpened my swordAnd now, face to face with deathI unsheathe it, and lo—The blade is broken—Alas! Hosshin Coming, all is clear,…

  • Vacation

    A limpid mountain pool, beautiful but a bit too cold. A sunrise coming above the mountains, if only that tree hadn’t obscured the view. Yet when I really went away, it was all perfect. Was it me, that had actually been obstructing?

  • Dreaming and being “born”

    The realization came up today just how similar dreaming and being “born” are. For the sake of clarity, being born in this context refers to any time an identity or feeling of a “me” that is the receiver of experience begins to coalesce or take shape. As soon as this occurs, thoughts inevitably begin showing…

  • Entries to the cultivation of prajna paramita

    I hope to use this post as a space to collect in one place the various entries and expedient means for cultivating prajna paramita (the perfection of wisdom) that I have found helpful. May it be of benefit to others on the path as well. For those unfamiliar with prajna paramita, some related practices are:…

  • Emptiness: penetrating through, and deepening realization

    Within this post, it is my hope to tease out and clarify some of how practices relating to emptiness work. For our purposes, let us describe emptiness practices that fall into two camps. Practices for penetrating through ignorance to the direct realization of the true nature of mind Practices that evoke, further develop and deepen…

Luminous Dharma